Hello there, you've come upon the site of Mary Beth Bellah, an artist and quilter who doesn't mind blurring the space between those two words. This site includes visual images of some of my work, from the in-depth series to the silly little postcards. I've tried to incorporate both current and earlier pieces to give you an idea of how my work has progressed (with assorted twists and turns). I have to admit that I would much rather be making the art than posting updates to this website so its not unusual for me to lag (sometimes rather dramatically) with sharing new material. I am ALWAYS creating, and always happy to discuss my work so please feel free to email to find out what I've been up to lately.
Most of my work is for sale though I do exhibit it fairly widely so everything here is not necessarily available. Like most artists I love to get feedback on my work so please drop me an email.

Thanks for coming, enjoy your visit!

My studio is located in Charlottesville Virginia.
Studio visits may be arranged by prior appointment
"Are You Really What You Eat?"41" x 17" click for detail